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VIAT has a proactive and robust approach to ensuring that safeguarding processes and practices are consistent across the Trust. The safety of our pupils/students, staff and visitors is paramount, so thorough knowledge and understanding of safeguarding is woven throughout everything we do.
Staff, Trustees and Governors across the Trust keep up to date with local and national guidance around safeguarding to ensure best practice. A bespoke safeguarding training programme, which is delivered regularly, has been developed for the Trust so that promoting the welfare of children and understanding the processes in place is everyone's responsibility.
Further to this, the Trust has worked with consultants and safeguarding specialists to adjust safeguarding reporting procedures and develop new practices to make safeguarding as effective as it can be across all VIAT schools. Processes, policies and safeguarding team structures are regularly reviewed and developed.
We work collaboratively, with a number of groups set up and meeting regularly to share best practice, as well as discuss topical issues and local context. This includes the Designated Safeguarding Leads, the Safeguarding Working Group and the Pupil/Student Groups.
VIAT's safeguarding practice is child-centred and well co-ordinated to ensure that everything we do is in the best interest of our pupils/students.