Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeships
We offer the Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship as a training route into teaching. Similar to Postgraduate (salaried) programmes, Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeships are a new, nationally -recognised, work based route into teaching. In addition to working towards Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) on successful completion of the course, apprentices will also complete an end point assessment (EPA) after the summer to consolidate learning from initial teacher training.
The apprenticeship standard sets out the same entry requirements as the Postgraduate teacher training programmes.
An apprenticeship will typically take 15 months to complete (with 12 months being the minimum length); achieving Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) will be mandatory to successfully complete the course.
Apprentices will be assessed against the teachers’ standards by accredited providers of initial teacher education, in line with current teacher training practice.
Having finished their initial programme and gained QTS, apprentices will need to pass a further assessment within their first three months as a newly-qualified teacher.
The further assessment will be in two parts: a lesson observation from an independent assessor, and a “professional discussion” between the apprentice, the independent assessor, a representative from the training provider and a representative from the apprentice’s school.
The professional discussion will last for an hour and assess the apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviour – looking at aspects such as whether they can adapt teaching to respond to the needs of all pupils and manage behaviour effectively.
Candidates will have to bring along a portfolio of work which was completed during their training to aid the discussion. The work in the portfolio will not be assessed.
Apprentice teachers will get an apprenticeship certificate.
Like other training routes, apprentices must spend 120 days in a school and teach in at least two schools.
We will be working with our existing training providers to provide the apprentice training.
Further details can be found at:
UCAS Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship programmes
Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeships
If you are interested in pursuing the Teacher Apprentice route please do not hesitate to contact us via email, vitt@viat.org.uk or by phone 0303 303 0000