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Publication Scheme
Publication Scheme:
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, every public authority has a duty to specify what information they publish, how the information is made available and whether it is free or if there is a charge. Our publication scheme explains what information we provide to the public and, where possible, we will make it easy for you to access. The information is classed into seven categories:
Who we are and what we do
- Organisational structure
- Key Personnel Across the Trust
What we spend and how we spend it
- Financial Statements and Trust Funding Agreement
- Pupil Premium Information (See individual schools websites)
- PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools (See individual schools websites)
What are our priorities and how are we doing
- OFSTED Reports (See individual schools websites)
- Performance Tables (See individual schools websites)
How we make decisions
Our policies and procedures
You can find Trust policies here.
Specific policies and procedures are available on request. Please contact us to request a policy or procedure at:
Freedom of Information
Valley Invicta Academies Trust,
Huntsman Lane,
ME14 5DS
Or via email at clerk@viat.org.uk
Lists and registers
Specific lists and registers are available on request. Please contact us at:
Trust Clerk
Valley Invicta Academies Trust,
Huntsman Lane,
ME14 5DS
Or via email at clerk@viat.org.uk
The services we offer
Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford Primary School
Valley Invicta Primary School at East Borough Primary School
Valley Invicta Primary School at Holborough Lakes
Valley Invicta Primary School at Kings Hill
Valley Invicta Primary School at Leybourne Chase
Requests for information
Information that is not published under the scheme can be requested in writing from the Clerk to Valley Invicta Academies Trust. All requests will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Information, in most cases, can be downloaded from the website free of charge. A charge may be made for services to cover administrative costs such as photocopying and postage.
The Trust reserves the right to charge for large/complicated requests for information that reaches the chargeable condition threshold of £450, but an estimate will be provided at the time providing the option of continuing with the request or withdrawing or reducing such a request.