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Trust delighted with primary school SATs results
Key Stage 2 SATs results for Valley Invicta Academies Trust (VIAT) primary schools have significantly bettered national targets in almost every area this year.
The results, out last week, show the percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard nationally at 84% and higher, except in one category at just one of school*.
At one of the VIAT primary schools at Holborough Lakes, 100% was achieved across all categories for the percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard nationally.
The Key Stage 2 tests, which pupils take in Year 6, test Reading, Writing, Maths and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Nationally, the target for the percentage of pupils meeting the standard was set at 73% for Reading, 78% for Writing, 79% for Maths and 78% for SPAG.
Every Year 6 pupil at Holborough Lakes met these targets with a third or more also achieving ‘Greater Depth’ across all areas.
At Valley Invicta Primary School at Kings Hill, over 60% of pupils achieved ‘Greater Depth’ in Reading, Maths and SPAG, and over 50% in Writing.
Chief Executive of Valley Invicta Academies Trust, Julie Derrick said: “We are absolutely thrilled with these results. They are testament to the tireless hard work of both our pupils and staff to do their very best in every challenge they are faced with. I am so pleased all their efforts have paid off and given them the results they deserve.
“There is, of course, always room for improvement, and we have already put plans in place to make sure we continue to progress and develop within the areas we have identified.”
* The school missed the target by only one per cent, and a plan is already in place to improve results.